Monday, June 28, 2010

Has Amelia Earhart Finally Been Found?

Okay, it may not be too science-y, but it's really cool to think that the folks at The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR), may have actually found the remains of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan's crash.

Amidst the remains of campfires filled with fish skeletons and other animal parts, researcher Ric Gillespie and his team found a woman's compact, clothing, and even a pocket knife that was smashed to separate the parts. It helps that the discovery took place on Nikumamoro, the island in the South Pacific where the two are thought to have landed when they ran out of fuel in the June of 1937. In 1940, the skeletal remains of a female castaway were found on the island (though lost). The team is testing for contact DNA on many of the 100 items recovered from the site, hoping to find enough information to determine if this was, in fact, Earhart and Noonan's last resting place.

You can view an audio slide show here, where Gillespie discusses the expedition and the findings.

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